Just getting back from a great weekend in search of snowy owls in British Columbia, Canada. I had heard of a place called Boundary Bay, which is just over the US border north of Seattle. Last year was a record year for the owls at Boundary Bay — snowy owls are infrequent visitors to lower Canada and certain northern parts of the lower forty eight. They may only show up every seven years. It all depends on the availability of food on the arctic tundra, where they live most of the year. As it turns out, this year is shaping up to be almost as good as last year. 30 or so owls have been spotted in the area and I was lucky enough to photograph quite a few of them. This lovely lady flew right at me and over my head last night just before I was about to call it a night. Much more on these owls later in the week.
Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400 lens (at 400) ISO 1600, f/4 at 400th of a second