Great Horned Owl, Badlands National Park, South Dakota
It was very early in the morning in the Badlands when I came across this young great horned owl. This is one of those cases where I chose a slower shutter speed/aperture combination to brighten the exposure and make it look like it was much later in the day. It was actually about 4:45 AM and pre-dawn light was just starting to lighten up the sky. I saw a medium to large owl fly across the street and I pulled over to get a closer look. The owl was nowhere to be found as I sat in my car scanning the trees. Suddenly, it landed in the grass right in front of my car. I used the headlights at first to get a few exposures at a decent speed, then turned off the lights and tried this one at only 1/10th of a second (at ISO 3200 with a wide open aperture). I was able to steady my camera on the side view mirror — and with vibration reduction enabled — I got two in-focus shots before the owl flew off. I still wasn’t quite sure what kind of owl it was until I took a closer look on my camera’s LCD screen. The not-yet-fully-formed ear tufts threw me off at first but indicate that this is a young great horned owl. Eventually those ear tufts will get much more defined.
Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 3200, f/4 at 1/10th of a second