Woolly Monkey, PeruLast time I was in Peru, everyone else at the lodge saw this particular woolly monkey. I did not. This time, however, more than made up for it, as he granted me two photo sessions striking all sorts of interesting poses. His name is Mowgli and he has an interesting back story. Both of his parents spent time in captivity at rehabilitation centers. After their release back into the wild, Mowgli was conceived and born. He has never been fed by humans and he has never lived in captivity himself. But his parents must have passed on a trust of humans and he often visits the lodge to seemingly say hello. Mowgli is a Poeppig’s woolly monkey, also known as a red woolly monkey or silvery woolly monkey, a subspecies of the common woolly monkey. They are considered endangered mainly due to loss of habitat. Nikon D850 with Nikkor 70-200mm lens (at 70mm), ISO 1600, f/2.8 at 1/100th of a second.