Never a good idea to turn your back on a full grown bear. But, in this case, it was a relaxed coastal brown bear taking a break from hunting for salmon to watch the tourists that were there to watch her. Photographed in Lake Clark National Park, Alaska. Nikon D500 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 200mm) ISO 1600, f/4 at 1/2000th of a second.
Thanks Aunt Sue. Of course, out on the flats, it’s one of the safest places to be around bears. As long as they know where we are, and we don’t threaten them in any way, they go about their business.
The bear is looking at the people, who came to look at the bear. Sean Crane, with his camera, is looking at the bear looking at the people who came to look at the bear. I am sitting in my shed looking at Sean Crane’s picture, which captures him looking at the bear looking at the people who came to look at the bear. And the weird thing is, outside my shed there’s a bear, with a camera, about to take a picture of me suddenly looking up at it.
I doubt they have ANY idea at how fast bears can move! If there were cubs around, this might have been an even scarier image. But I absolutely love this image of a bear being the “sightseer”. Maybe he’s checking out his dinner options.
Ha. Well, silver salmon are about as big a dinner as she was after. And she knows how delicious her favorite seafood is. REI clad humans on the other hand are a bit more of a mystery.
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Great picture! Tells the story with no words.
Scary never the less.
Seeing nature from the other side
Sorry not me with a Bear but I love the theme of the picture
Aunt Sue
Thanks Aunt Sue. Of course, out on the flats, it’s one of the safest places to be around bears. As long as they know where we are, and we don’t threaten them in any way, they go about their business.
The bear is looking at the people, who came to look at the bear. Sean Crane, with his camera, is looking at the bear looking at the people who came to look at the bear. I am sitting in my shed looking at Sean Crane’s picture, which captures him looking at the bear looking at the people who came to look at the bear. And the weird thing is, outside my shed there’s a bear, with a camera, about to take a picture of me suddenly looking up at it.
Weirdly connected to your always “on point” comments … ….
I doubt they have ANY idea at how fast bears can move! If there were cubs around, this might have been an even scarier image. But I absolutely love this image of a bear being the “sightseer”. Maybe he’s checking out his dinner options.
Ha. Well, silver salmon are about as big a dinner as she was after. And she knows how delicious her favorite seafood is. REI clad humans on the other hand are a bit more of a mystery.
Whoa! Great shot that gives me paws, Sean.
Ha, I see what you did there Sue.