Wild mustangs still roam free in many areas out west (and east for that matter), including Monument Valley, Utah. This is Navajo country and this particular photo was taken near the entrance to the Monument Valley National Tribal Park administered by Navajo Nation.
“Wild horses/couldn’t drag me away/Wild, wild horses/we’ll ride them someday.” I don’t know why, Sean, but your shots always make me think of music. Usually rock tunes.
When seeing beautiful pictures like this, it is such a shame to know that as we speak, the BLM are inhumanely rounding up Nevada’s wild mustangs with low flying helicopters in their hundreds if not thousands, and keeping these beautiful animals in cramped holding pens in terrible conditions, in order to make room for cattle on PUBLIC land. There is a massive movement going on right now (January 2011) in a bid to try and put a stop to this. Lets hope they can… so you, and people in the future, will still be able to take wonderful photographs like this. It is truly shameful and very very upsetting what is happening to America’s wild horses and burros.
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ooOOooo. How about thoroughbreds?? That was my college mascot.
“Wild horses/couldn’t drag me away/Wild, wild horses/we’ll ride them someday.” I don’t know why, Sean, but your shots always make me think of music. Usually rock tunes.
I love the sense of scale with the mesas in the background. Nicely done.
This kind of reminds me of Chincoteague. Kind of. Without the background.
When seeing beautiful pictures like this, it is such a shame to know that as we speak, the BLM are inhumanely rounding up Nevada’s wild mustangs with low flying helicopters in their hundreds if not thousands, and keeping these beautiful animals in cramped holding pens in terrible conditions, in order to make room for cattle on PUBLIC land. There is a massive movement going on right now (January 2011) in a bid to try and put a stop to this. Lets hope they can… so you, and people in the future, will still be able to take wonderful photographs like this. It is truly shameful and very very upsetting what is happening to America’s wild horses and burros.