This is an old one from Madagascar. The Verreaux’s sifaka is definitely one of my favorites lemurs. They spend most of their time in trees but dance across the ground — ballet style — when they need to get from place to place. I took this photo right outside of the lodge I was staying in at the extreme southern tip of the island.
Sean, the fact that you even have a “favorite lemur” makes you a-ok in my book. but i can see why this guy would be up there. he’s awesome. the shot is pretty phenomenal too.
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Sean, the fact that you even have a “favorite lemur” makes you a-ok in my book. but i can see why this guy would be up there. he’s awesome. the shot is pretty phenomenal too.
Mother Sifaka! That monkey sees my soul!
I bought one of these in Gatlinburg, TN, in the ’80’s. They came in every color
DANG IT!!! I KNEW you could buy them. Hook a sista up Angelina!!