These two gentoo penguins were just finishing up a day at sea, returning to their colony as the twilight sky saturated the surface of the water at Volunteer Point in the Falkland Islands. Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 800, f/4 at 1/160th of a second
What a beauty – I love the hues you captured, Sean! The gentoo penguins are such special creatures and the one’s partial reflection in the water is a nice touch.
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What a beauty – I love the hues you captured, Sean! The gentoo penguins are such special creatures and the one’s partial reflection in the water is a nice touch.
Thanks Sue. I did like that little hint of a reflection. They are such good and patient subjects.
Fabulous light, Sean!
Thanks Rick.
Contrast of colors brings you there with them Mother Nature at her best
Aunt Sue
Thanks Aunt Sue. Nice to have a subject like penguins — you always know where they are so you can wait until the light is good to shoot them.
Beautiful all around.
—– The tide must have
—– Carried us a bit
—– I swear our towels
—– And togs
—– Were just beyond
—– That dune .
Love the up step of the penguin on the left! What a romantic setting for a penguin couple [no matter what sexes they may be.
No doubt Rachel.