Forest Path Along Waterfalls Walk, Cradle Mountain
River Along Enchanted Walk, Cradle Mountain, Tasmania, Australia
As I mentioned in a previous post, the landscape of Tasmania is extremely diverse — especially for an island that’s only about the size of Georgia or West Virginia. These two photos were taken at Cradle Mountain National Park in the north central mountains. The top shot is a boardwalk along the Waterfalls Walk. The entire track is boardwalk and leads to two waterfalls. The bottom shot is a river along a track appropriately called The Enchanted Walk. Both photos highlight the mossy forest typical of Cradle Mountain. It feels as if dwarves and elves might be hiding just around the corner.
Top Photo: Nikon D800 with Nikkor 17-35mm lens (at 17mm) ISO 200, f/18 at 1 second
Bottom Photo: Nikon D800 with Nikkor 17-35mm lens (at 17mm) ISO 64, f/20 at 5 seconds