2018 saw a lot of everyday life circumstances getting in the way of my photography. Hopefully things will get back on track in 2019 and I can return to where I enjoy being most — in the wild. That said, the year did start strong. Karen and I took a “non-wildlife” trip to Belize, which ended up yielding a surprising amount of incidental wildlife, especially of the under water variety. Shortly after that, I travelled to the southern tip of South America for a week of puma tracking. Torres Del Paine National Park in Chile clearly ranks toward the top of the most spectacular wild places that I have ever visited. Unfortunately, the remainder of the year consisted of the birds in my backyard and a single trip with my father to view seals off the coast of Cape Cod. I was busy with photos from other locations around the world, however, as I had quite a backlog of processing to do on all the images I’ve captured over the past 15 years. Lots of home time enabled me to tackle this ongoing challenge. That said, the following ten photos are the highlights captured this year.

Gray Seal, Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, Cape Cod, MA
10. One of the aforementioned grey seals photographed off the coast of Cape Cod in June.
Black Howler Monkey, Caracol Mayan Ruins, Belize
9. A black howler monkey spotted while visiting the Mayan ruins at Caracol in Belize.
Guanaco Blur, Torres Del Paine National Park, Chile
8. I used a slow shutter to capture this blurred image of a guanaco running up a hill in Torres Del Paine, Chile.
Southern Stingray, Shark Ray Alley, Ambergris Caye, Belize
7. A southern stingray photographed at Shark Ray Alley in Belize.
Patagonian Hog-Nosed Skunk, Torres Del Paine National Park, Chile
6. Patagonian Hog-Nosed Skunk photographed on my final night in Torres Del Paine.
Puma, Torres Del Paine National Park, Chile
5. Puma in her habitat, Torres Del Paine, Chile.
Guanaco, Torres Del Paine National Park, Chile
4. Guanaco at sunset, Torres Del Paine.
Puma in Shaft of Light, Torres Del Paine National Park, Chile
3. Puma in shaft of light, Torres Del Paine.
Nurse Shark, Shark Ray Alley, Ambergris Caye, Belize
2. Nurse Shark, Shark Ray Alley, Belize.
Puma, Torres Del Paine National Park, Chile
1. Puma in black bushes. Just a simple portrait of a young female, but this was the first puma I was able to photograph in Chile and the best moment for me this year — when she popped up at close range, with just enough light left in the day to capture the image.