It’s been about a month since we’ve seen any bears in the yard, but on Tuesday my wife my father (who had stopped by for a visit) and I watched as a young male approached the apple tree in our backyard and stood up to examine the branches for any fruit. I grabbed my camera a bit too late for the standing shot, but was able to snap quite a few other images of the bear. He then proceeded to head toward the back of the yard and right past my camera trap, setting it off. Unfortunately, he was moving in the wrong direction and I only captured butt shots. This was around 3 in the afternoon. Tonight I decided to check the trap to see if any other visitors had come by and was pleased to see that the same bear returned from the other direction four hours later at 7:30 PM. I suppose he’s determined to be the first one to the apples should they fruit this year. Next week I’ll post some of the shots I got from my normal camera and lens setup. Nikon D810 with Nikkor 17-35mm lens (at 17mm) ISO 500, f/14 at 1/160th of a second, Cognisys camera box, trail monitor and remote flashes.
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This seems like a Good News bear. You don’t really hear so much about them. Mostly it’s the Bad News species.
You should offer safaris on your own property, Sean!
I’ve certainly thought about it. I need guaranteed wildlife though. The bears aren’t always so accommodating.