Black Bear Cub, Farmington, ConnecticutThe black bear and her two cubs that were the most frequent visitors to our back yard last year have returned. I didn’t see them, but my camera trap did, and captured one good shot (despite the slight clipping of the right ear). The surveillance video shows that one of the cubs is now considerably larger than the other. This is the smaller of the two, perhaps a female. She’s also much more cinnamon in color than her mother and brother. And she still has some blue in the eyes, which will eventually turn brown as she ages. Last year they usually came by at night, but this shot was taken just before noon yesterday. Nikon D810 with Nikkor 17-35mm lens (at 20mm) ISO 500, f/14 at 1/160th of a second, Cognisys camera box, trail monitor and remote flashes.