Here’s another one from Madagascar (this will be the last post for the week as Karen and I are heading to Mexico tomorrow night for the Memorial Day weekend). This is a Verreaux’s sifaka lemur and it kind of looks like it’s ready for some sort of a duel — I say gunslinger, Karen says swashbuckler. Either way, what it really was doing was racing across the ground, getting from one tree to the next as quickly as possible. Nikon D200 with Nikkor 80-200mm lens (at 80mm) ISO 400, f/5 at 1/500th of a second
One cool dude, yep I think he’s a gunslinger from way back. That long thick tail must be used for balancing or a kind of extra leg to use in conjunction with his two legs and arms. Getting from tree to tree, he must use his arms to hang onto branches and swing and then grab another branch and then uses everything to make his landing secure. Great shot Sean
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Fascinating photo…
great racing pic. great pic. a great job well done.
LOL fantastic capture, looks like he’s spent a long day in the saddle LOL Have a safe good trip Sean !!
Ha! Awesome!
Yes, lemurs can dance—-The moves may seem alien to you—-It’s in our culture.
Hysterical photo, Sean. Such strange creatures.
One cool dude, yep I think he’s a gunslinger from way back. That long thick tail must be used for balancing or a kind of extra leg to use in conjunction with his two legs and arms. Getting from tree to tree, he must use his arms to hang onto branches and swing and then grab another branch and then uses everything to make his landing secure. Great shot Sean
Very funny. I think it looks like he’s ready to engage in some karate. Hiii-yaaaaa!
I love these guys! Have fun in Mexico.
That is HILARIOUS!!!
Love the expression. Have a great trip to Mexico.
Shardae please PLEASE do something funny in photoshop with this guy.
So Cool.