This white-footed sportive lemur was resting in a forest of thorn trees. It’s a nocturnal species, but this one took a quick look up before resuming his/her nap. I was in the extreme south of Madagascar at the Berenty Reserve. Nikon D200 with Nikkor 80-200mm lens (at 200mm) ISO 100, f/5.6 at .3 seconds
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Those don’t look like “user-friendly” tree trunks!
Not at all. Tough hiking around in too. Had to keep remembering not to grab a tree to keep my balance.
sure doest look like good place to sleep, to me, ) me this is hidding place from the partor , of life, that would like eat himm during the day. )
The lemur must have a thick fur coat to be tolerant of sidling up to those thorns.
They’ve certainly adapted well to all the nooks and crannies and oddities that make up Madagascar.
—– Fakir on a bed
—– Of nails
—– In discomfort
—– Seeks enlightenment
—– No matter day or night
—– When you get
—– The Karma right
The thorns must offer some protection for good
So much expression in eyes for camera
Aunt Sue
Yep. Although not many predators, which has allowed lemurs to evolve into so many different varieties.
I just shrieked at the cuteness.
Cuteness and scariness all bundled up into one pic! And crazy depth perception of camera or whatever you wanna call it. Very cool!
Thanks Angelina. Just wish that branch wasn’t in the foreground, crossing past the lemur’s legs.