I’m still waiting to hear about my eleven finalists in this year’s Nature’s Best/Smithsonian photo competition, but below are a few recent winners in other contests. Most you’ve probably seen before, but perhaps a few you haven’t.

Bat-eared Fox Pups, Masai Mara National Park, Kenya
The above image of bat eared fox pups that appear to share one furry body continues to do well for me. It will appear in the 2013 Africa Geographic Calendar and it also just placed in the National Wildlife Federation photo contest. Still not sure of where it placed — I’ll know come November.


Olive Baboon Shaking off Water, Laikipia, Kenya
Hoary Marmot, Mount Rainier, Washington
The above two images placed in the top 100 in this year’s North American Nature Photographers Association (NANPA) Showcase Competition.


Bundle of Meerkats, Makgadikgadi Pan, Botswana
Galapagos Sea Lion Motion Blur, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
Spotted Hyena Motion Blur, Linyanti Concession, Botswana
And the above three placed in the top 250 in the NANPA Competition.