It’s owl Friday again, and this one isn’t technically the best photo in the world, nor is the subject matter going to be appreciated by everyone, but it is very unusual behavior — at least it seems that way from all the research that I did. It was very late in the day and the sun had long since set when I saw this snowy owl attack a male mallard. Even the owl seemed a bit surprised and confused as to what to do next with this unusual catch. It tried several times to fly away with the duck but didn’t seem to have the strength. Twenty minutes later, it remained sitting on top of the duck trying to decide what to do about the situation. Eventually it got too dark for me to even see what was going on anymore so I left the scene and let nature take its course. I usually don’t like to shoot above 1600 ISO but this one was captured at 3200 because of the extreme low light (it was actually much darker than it appears in the photo).
Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 3200, f/4 at 1/125th of a second