After four years of occasional glimpses and near misses, my camera trap finally captured an in-focus shot of a short-tailed weasel. I usually see a blurry butt shot as the weasel chases a chipmunk across the fallen tree. Weasels are carnivores and this one was likely stalking its prey which includes the aforementioned chipmunks, as well as voles, rats, shrews, rabbits, and birds. Also known as a stoat or an ermine, a short-tailed weasel will change the color of its fur from brown to completely white as the winter approaches — all the better camouflage for sneak attacks when the snow starts to fall. I’m still hoping for the weasel and chipmunk shot, but until then this will have to do. Nikon D850 with Nikkor 20mm lens, ISO 500, f/14 at 1/200th of a second, Camtraptions camera box, triggers and trail monitor with two Nikon SB-900 flash units.
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No doubt. Now I just need that weasel with chipmunk shot (not that I wish that fate upon any of my local chipmunks).
So happy to look at this instead of stuff about the presidential debate!! Thanks Sean
Always happy to be a distraction from the madness.
Good stuff here Sean. Always enjoy your “camera trap” photos. Best of luck with the weasel and chipmunk shot!!