Secretary Bird, Masai Mara, KenyaThe secretary bird is a fairly common sight in sub-Sahara Africa. I photographed this one in the Masai Mara of Kenya. They are mostly spotted on the ground but also in trees. The secretary bird is quite tall, reaching more than four feet. It has been described as having an eagle like body and head, atop crane like legs. As for the name, I will quote from Wikipedia — “Its common name is popularly thought to derive from the crest of long quill-like feathers, lending the bird the appearance of a secretary with quill pens tucked behind their ear, as was once common practice. A more recent hypothesis is that ‘secretary’ is borrowed from a French corruption of the Arabic saqr-et-tair or ‘hunter-bird.’ The generic name Sagittarius is Latin for “archer,” perhaps likening the secretary bird’s “quills” to a quiver of arrows, and the specific epithet serpentarius recalls the bird’s skill as a hunter of reptiles.”
Nikon D300 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 400, f/6.3 at 1/1600th of a second