Swimming with the sea lions every afternoon was one of the great pleasures of visiting the Galapagos Islands. They really do seem to enjoy our intrusion upon their territory. I’m not sure how else to describe it other than play as they swam up to me, around me and under me. I highly recommend the experience. In this instance, the sea lion appeared to be posing for a selfie while swimming beneath me. Nikon D800 with Nikkor 17-35mm lens (at 17mm) ISO 800, f/7.1 at 1/640th of a second, Ikelite underwater housing with an eight inch dome port
Yes, thanks Sue. I added the housing info to the camera details. On a trip like this where I got in the water almost every day, carrying the very large housing was worth it.
——- This powerful guy
——- Size and sinew too
——- May be calling
——- The Michael Phelps in you
——- As Michael Jordan once
——- Called us
——- To the sky .
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Wow! What a thrill that had to be, Sean. How did you protect your gear from the water? You must have been using a housing of some sort, no?
Yes, thanks Sue. I added the housing info to the camera details. On a trip like this where I got in the water almost every day, carrying the very large housing was worth it.
So you did, Sean! The problem with speed reading is comprehension tends to go in the reverse!
Hahaha ridiculous
Totally cool. I would love to do that.
——- This powerful guy
——- Size and sinew too
——- May be calling
——- The Michael Phelps in you
——- As Michael Jordan once
——- Called us
——- To the sky .
For sure the seal was posing for you
What a great experience ,who had the bigger smile though – I bet is was YOU
Aunt Sue