Motmots are always great to see on my travels to the Neotropics. Most of them have a distinctive racket tip tail. This is the rufous motmot, photographed in the cloud forest of Ecuador. Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 1600, f/4 at 1/100th of a second.
What unusual looking tail feathers! Your photo & description sent me to the internet for more information. The mails can be 17-19″ long. That was surprising as they seem smaller, at least from your photo. If I ever travel to the Panama-Ecuador region, I will surely watch for this species..
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What unusual looking tail feathers! Your photo & description sent me to the internet for more information. The mails can be 17-19″ long. That was surprising as they seem smaller, at least from your photo. If I ever travel to the Panama-Ecuador region, I will surely watch for this species..
Yes, there are quite a few different species. Always a treat to see them.
This is a spectacular bird! I’ve never heard of a motmot, but I’m so glad you found one to share!
Beautiful birds. With a fun name to boot.