I let the local robins know that it’s okay to start taking down the holiday ornaments. A flock of them happily obliged, dining on the holly berries in our side yard this afternoon. Nikon D850 with Nikkor 500mm PF lens, ISO 1600, f/5.6 at 1/200th of a second.
People say the Christmas season is magical, but for my money that first week in january when your yard is covered in bright red robin droppings is even more festive.
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That’s what you call a win win
People say the Christmas season is magical, but for my money that first week in january when your yard is covered in bright red robin droppings is even more festive.
That is sooo beautiful, Sean! What a perfect image for a Christmas card!
Could not resist taking this photo Sean
Not much gets past you what a Holiday Treat
For us Thanks for sharing the beauty in your yard
Aunt Sue