Sean Crane with Eyepatch
Need to make this a quick post as — you can see from the above photo — I just had eye surgery this morning and should not be on the computer (probably from staring at the sun through 400mm of Nikon glass one too many times). For those interested, I had a pterygium removed which you can read about here should you be so inclined. The doc says I’ll be fine to shoot another day, but in the meantime, below is a landscape photo from my recent trip when the old eyes were feeling a bit better than they are now. I had left my tripod back at the camp but still tried a few HDR images, which I would usually never do without a tripod. I upped the ISO a bit higher than my usual landscape images to keep the shutter speeds relatively fast. I was quite proud of the results as the five images appeared to have no vertical or horizontal shift, even with the slowest coming in at 1/10th of a second. I don’t recommend shooting HDR’s this way, but on this particular one I got lucky. This was a river that emptied into the sea near the Sirena Ranger Station in Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica.
River Landscape at Sunrise in Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica
Nikon D700 with Nikkor 17-35mm lens (at 17mm) ISO 800, f/8 at 1/10th, 1/20th, 1/80th, 1/160th and 1/40th of a second