White Rhinoceros and Cattle Egret, Nairobi National Park, KenyaWhere to start with our recent trip to Africa? Why not day one. Due to flight schedules, we were forced to spend a night in Nairobi. Rather than catching up on sleep, the group decided to pay a visit to the nearby Nairobi National Park. I had never been to this park before, mainly because I try to get out of Nairobi as soon as possible — that and the fact it’s fenced in on the three sides adjacent to the city, with only the southern border allowing wildlife to move in and out. But it’s a great place to see one species that’s difficult to see elsewhere — the rhinoceros. Nairobi National Park has both black and white rhinos, and although a sighting isn’t guaranteed, they can be hard to miss. A flat area with low grass allowed me to test out the focusing system of my new Nikon Z8. I attached a tripod to the L Bracket of the camera and lowered it to the ground, using a remote trigger to fire the shutter. Subject detection caught the rhino’s eyes and allowed for a nice ground level perspective and lots of moody, late afternoon sky. A cattle egret even hopped on board the mother rhino as she walked along with her calf. Nikon Z8 with Nikkor Z 24-70mm f/2.8 lens (at 35mm) ISO 2800, f/5.6 at 1/640th of a second.