I took this one about four years ago in Badlands National Park in South Dakota. There’s a nice prairie dog town there in the northern part of the park and I sat and watched for quite a while as the little guys popped in and out of their burrows, gathering dried grass to line their maze of underground tunnels. It is believed that they do this for insulation purposes. Nikon D200 with Nikkor 600mm f/5.6 manual lens, ISO 200, f/11 at 1/320th of a second
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What a cutie! Anna
I thought you shot with Canon!
Great shot btw. Looks like he knows what
he/she is going
Are they related to the meerkat? The hands and nails (Shardae, are you watching?) look very similar.
What a mouthful! They are fascinating to watch. Great shot!
Hahaha. Oh i see it Mama Crane. I’m on it.
The best
always nice to see someone making an honest living
Nice catch.