Of all the spectacular birds in the Peruvian Amazon, paradise tanagers have to be the most brilliantly colored I’ve ever seen. Usually high in the canopy, these two ventured down to the river’s edge, likely searching for a bush with ripe berries. Nikon D500 with Nikkor 500mm PF lens, ISO 1600, f/5.6 at 1/160th of a second, Godox V860iii fill flash.
Sean I really enjoy receiving the animal photos you send.
Looking at your photos gives me smiles.
I smile when I see the deer, rabbits, squirrels and birds coming close to my place.
Thanks for sending me photos.
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How large are they? Canary or parakeet size? Or larger?
Small, like parakeet size.
Are those Eddie Money’s two tanagers to paradise? I think I remember Eddie Money saying he had two tanagers to paradise.
Are those Eddie Money’s two tanagers to paradise? I think I remember Eddie Money saying he had two tanagers to paradise.
Wow! These are spectacular. Getting a shot with two of them together is very very sweet (and I assume very lucky!)
Yes, I had never seen them as low to the ground.
Sean I really enjoy receiving the animal photos you send.
Looking at your photos gives me smiles.
I smile when I see the deer, rabbits, squirrels and birds coming close to my place.
Thanks for sending me photos.
Thanks Jo-Anne, very nice to hear.
What beauties! I’m glad you were able to capture this image, Sean!
Thanks Sue. Truly spectacular plumage on these guys.
What beautiful colors to see on birds, looks like a pair together
Yes, although there were actually several others in the flock as well.
Splendid, Sean
It’s good to have you and mom and your problem child Louis back at it.
Eddie Money, yes.
Ha, thanks Bob. Hope all is well. Been a long time.