My guide in Costa Rica told me that this was a lineated woodpecker, but further research leads me to believe that it is actually a pale billed woodpecker. The pale bill and almost uniformly red head being the giveaways. Both birds are very large, although the pale billed is even larger, averaging about 15 inches in length. These birds can be found from northern Mexico, south to Panama. Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400) ISO 1600, f/4 at 1/2000th of a second
Wow, he’s some pecking machine alright. The head and the beak are poised for action, and look at those talons. He’s a mean machine, albeit, pretty! Great shot Sean. It would be good to see him pecking wood and having your camera set to continuous eh!
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Thanks Sean, there’s something familiar about this guy. Might just be the redhead! Very cool !
His head looks like a hammer!
Wow, he’s some pecking machine alright. The head and the beak are poised for action, and look at those talons. He’s a mean machine, albeit, pretty! Great shot Sean. It would be good to see him pecking wood and having your camera set to continuous eh!
Its early and I am—-Out and about, my face is red—-Still wearing my PJs.
what a great shot of a woodpecker!!!! Amazing!
Cool how you shot him on green screen!