Nurse Shark, Shark Ray Alley, Ambergris Caye, BelizeKaren and I are just back from a great week in Belize. As I mentioned before we left, this was more of a relaxing-on-the-beach vacation and not really a wildlife trip (although I always try to sneak off for a few creature shots whenever I can and you’ll see some of those, both in and out of the water, over the next week or so). We stayed for three nights inland in the rainforest, and then four nights at the beach on Ambergris Caye. Just offshore are some of the best snorkeling spots anywhere in the world, including Shark Ray Alley where I photographed this nurse shark. Don’t worry Mom, these sharks are relatively harmless. They don’t have the big teeth of some other sharks, but rather a powerful suction action perfect for capturing smaller fish. Nurse sharks can grow to be about 14 feet long and weigh up to 730 pounds, but most of the ones we saw were smaller than that. In addition to all the sharks, we also saw sea turtles, stingrays, and all manner of fish. By the way, those big fish swimming alongside the shark are called horse-eye jacks. For all my underwater shots on this trip, I used the Sony RX100 V pocket camera in a Fantasea housing, with a wide angle wet lens attached. I was really happy with the results from such a small set up.
Sony RX100V at 8.8mm (24mm equivalent) plus wide angle wet lens, ISO 400, f/5.6 at 1/250th of a second, Fantasea Housing