Leopard, Samburu National Reserve, Kenya

After a long break between photo trips, it’s nice to be back home with a drive full of new images from Kenya and Uganda. While in Kenya, we visited the Masai Mara and also Samburu, which is usually a dry landscape of desert-like scrub brush. But due to the unusual amount of rain in December, the landscape was lush and green, providing a great backdrop for the occasional big cat like this beautiful leopard. All in all it was a great first experience leading a tour group (thanks to the Littles, Lockes and Flannerys for being my guinea pigs). I was able to get good shots of the usual subjects with a few new subspecies and birds to add to the collection. Stay tuned in the next few weeks for more from Africa. Nikon D500 with Nikkor 2000-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 800, f/4 at 1/160th of a second.