Nancy Ma's Night Monkey, PeruCounterintuitively, night monkeys are most often seen during the day at Tahuayo Lodge in Peru. That’s because they sleep in tree cavities during the day and if you know the tree they’re in, they often poke their heads out to see what’s going on down below. I was lucky to see a pair out doing their thing at night, which included hunting for insects up in the canopy. There are eleven different species of night monkey. This species is Named for Harvard University Pathology Scientist Dr. Nancy Shui-Fong Ma, but they’ll also answer to Peruvian red-necked owl monkey. Check out those long, slender fingers. Nikon D500 with Nikkor 500mm PF lens, ISO 800, f/7.1 at 1/200th of a second, Godox v860iii flash.