The meerkats seemed to have three morning activities — standing guard while watching for predators, eating, and playing. I was never quite sure where a fight would break out but was able to catch the action every now and again.
Nice grab Sean. Love the expression on that face.I think a phantom camera at 1000 frames per second and an opera soundtrack would truly do this activity justice.
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Love it!
Too cute! Looks more like they should be on dancing with the stars
Nice grab Sean. Love the expression on that face.I think a phantom camera at 1000 frames per second and an opera soundtrack would truly do this activity justice.
OooOOOoo. This one is just BEGGING to be photoshopped. Stay tuned everybody!
Seriously… Just stab me in the heart repeatedly next time.
Cool shot!
Look that face!
They’re reenacting scenes from last week’s episode of “True Blood”.