Masked Palm Civet, Kaeng Krachan National Park, ThailandJust back from a week in the jungles of Thailand. I’d like to say that I saw all sorts of exotic and wonderful new creatures, but unfortunately the sightings were few and far between. I did manage to capture five different primate species, Malayan porcupine, giant tree squirrels, a few colorful new birds, butterflies and lizards but missed out on several of the target species that I was hoping for — most notably the slow loris. There’s always next time. My favorite sighting, however, was this masked palm civet. Especially because it walked right into the lighting that I had set up in anticipation of the porcupines which reliably came by the campground every night. I was able to set up both front and back lighting with my two flash units. Unlike most masked palm civets, this guy lacks a more distinctive facial mask of black fur and is more uniformly cream colored rather than the usual grey.
Nikon D810 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 290mm) ISO 400, f/18 1/60th of a second, two Nikon SB-900 flash units