I met this handsome guy on our trip to the Galápagos Islands back in 2012. In fact, I met a lot of these guys. They’re everywhere in the Galápagos and each island has its own slight color variation. This one was on Fernandina Island where they tended to have a bit more orange mixed in with the black, along with a touch of green. As the name suggests, they live in and out of the water. They eat the seaweed and algae on the ocean floor but then return to land to spend a good portion of the day sunning themselves on the volcanic rock of the islands. Nikon D700 with Nikkor 17-35mm lens (at 17mm) ISO 400, f/8 at 1/250th of a second.
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Very handsome & obviously a happy Marine Iguana loving his habitat & chosen lifestyle! Life is sweet!.
The marine iguanas were my favorites of the many great animals in the Galápagos.