I had a request for a spider today, so I’m not to blame if your preference is for something a bit more cuddly. This lovely lady is a Madagascar golden orb spider that I photographed while in Ranomafana National Park. Females like this one can be quite large — about five inches in length, while the males are much smaller. In fact, you can see a male above the female and a bit to the left. Nikon D200 with Nikkor 80-200mm lens (at 200mm) ISO 200, f/3.2 at 1/45th of a second (-2/3 stop ev)
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i immensely enjoy your photography- thank you!
Thanks. Nice to hear.
Stunning shot! Orbs are most interesting. I’ve captured a bright orange one at Quabbin a few years ago. Fascinating to observe.
Agreed Rachel, not everyone’s cup of tea, but I’ve always been a big fan. Certainly beautiful in their own way.
great colors and wow the male is small.
I HATE bugs. But I love this shot!
I am a bit arachnophobic but find this image very appealing. ..!!!!!
Beautiful female… a cool shot. I can’t believe males are so small