Lion and Warthog, Masai Mara, KenyaThis one takes a bit of work to see what’s happening. We saw a pride of about five lionesses take off in different directions, clearly a strategic maneuver to capture prey. We weren’t sure what they saw. Eventually we realized there was an unsuspecting warthog coming their way. It got closer and closer and the chase was on. The warthog, realizing his predicament, took off on a surprisingly fast sprint. Perhaps out of instinct, but more likely blind luck, he made a quick cut to the right — the only spot that one of the lionesses was not hidden in the grass waiting to ambush. He narrowly escaped to live another day, and the lions were left to try again. Nikon D500 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 330mm) ISO 400, f/5 at 1/3200th of a second.