Leatherback Turtle Nest, Grande Riviere, Trinidad

For three nights at Grande Riviere Beach in Trinidad I waited for a leatherback turtle nest to hatch. On the third night one finally did. And then another. And another. It’s quite an incredible sight to see. A deserted beach (save for the ever patient vultures), and then suddenly a hundred or more little turtles emerge from the same spot under the sand, desperate to find their way to the ocean. An interesting fact about these hatchlings — each nest, whether 50 hatchlings or 100 will all be the same sex, depending on the temperature of the sand when they were incubating. So in other words, there can be two nests fifty feet apart and one will be all female while the other will be all male. Nature at its peculiar finest. Nikon D800 with Nikkor 17-35mm lens (at 28mm) ISO 800, f/4.5 at 1/320th of a second.