Here’s another keel-billed toucan from my Panama trip last year. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — nothing says Central American tropics like the keel-billed toucan. Also known as the rainbow billed toucan, for obvious reasons. Nikon D810 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 1600, f/4 at 1/320th of a second
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Perfect framing
Thanks Andi. Those cecropia trees make for a nice background.
Striking colors
Thanks Marcia. To me, the keel-billed toucan’s beak is the greatest creation in nature.
—– No yule tree could be
—– Beautifully festooned as thee
—– Toucan the bird for me .
I love the bright colors and sharp focus and then the soft, muted colors in the background. One of my favorite pics!
Thanks Karen, I can never get enough of these toucans.
Gorgeous! Froot Loops!
Thanks Rachel. Bringing back memories of childhood. I definitely downed more than a few boxes of Froot Loops.
great pic. ) I need to get back to taking pic. again, ) great color, great comp. and one of kind pic. )