Elephant, Ol Pajeta Conservancy, Laikipia, KenyaAlways nice to see these giant creatures with plenty of room to roam. The Ol Pajeta Conservancy in Kenya, where I took this photo, is an interesting place. During the colonial days, the 90,000 acres of land were used for cattle grazing (wild animals, at the time, were deemed to have no value to landowners and they were displaced for the most part by ranchers). Elephants, however, always used the land as a transit route. Eventually, cattle ranching became less profitable, and it became too expensive to continually repair the fences that the elephants inevitably destroyed. Over the years, several different conservation groups have helped return the land to its wild origins. Today, it not only is inhabited by elephants, but by many other African plains animals, including the big five (elephants, lions, leopards, buffalo and rhino).
Nikon D700 with Nikkor 70-200mm lens (at 170mm) ISO 400, f/2.8 at 1/1000th of a second