Usually jackals run away if you approach them too closely, but this guy seemed as curious about me as I was about him. I was even able to get out of the safari vehicle and down on the ground for some low angle shooting. He kept on moving closer and closer, sniffing the air every five steps or so. Eventually he passed by me about twenty feet away and headed on his way.
Great angle! We once watched a jackal harassing a hyena, just keeping out of reach of his snapping jaws. He just kept teasing and ducking and we swear he was laughing at that hyena! They have personality!
oh! This is absolutely wonderful!!! Just wonderful!
May I ask a technique question? Are you able to get the soft focus all around the subject with such crisp focus in the middle all in camera or is that something that you do in editing? Still learning over here :O) Thanks.
Hi Amada,
Thanks. The narrow depth of field and soft focus is achieved all in camera. By getting the camera on the ground I’m able to blur out the foreground and background. For this shot, I was lying, belly down on the ground. Check out the following article I wrote about this very subject:
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Great angle! We once watched a jackal harassing a hyena, just keeping out of reach of his snapping jaws. He just kept teasing and ducking and we swear he was laughing at that hyena! They have personality!
I’m pretty sure you had a hamburger for lunch, Watson.
Two thumbs up! You captured a really cool moment!
oh! This is absolutely wonderful!!! Just wonderful!
May I ask a technique question? Are you able to get the soft focus all around the subject with such crisp focus in the middle all in camera or is that something that you do in editing? Still learning over here :O) Thanks.
Hi Amada,
Thanks. The narrow depth of field and soft focus is achieved all in camera. By getting the camera on the ground I’m able to blur out the foreground and background. For this shot, I was lying, belly down on the ground. Check out the following article I wrote about this very subject:
Amazing! And what a cutie pie!
Crane, you are so cool. You are so cool w/your articles too. I feel cool for knowing you.
Shardae, you are cool simply by being you!
Crane’s Mom
Aww. Thanks Mama Crane!!
Again, this morning I said “Wow!” Thank you so much for your great shots.
Great shot (as usual)!
Animals love you too.