Imperial Cormorant Colony, Sea Lion Island, Falkland IslandsIn addition to penguins, there were plenty of birds of the flying variety in the Falklands. The imperial cormorants, or imperial shags, were among my favorites. Cormorants can be awkward looking birds, but they often have striking facial features. You can see the blue rings around the eyes of these guys and the orange “nasal knobs.” Watching the activity of this colony was one of the highlights of the trip. It was nesting season and as one cormorant would fly out to sea to collect kelp for its nest, another cormorant would sneak in and steal the kelp that was already there. Fights were constantly breaking out between the thieves and those defending their nests. This was a rare cormorant-only colony — as these birds also nest alongside, and in amongst, the rockhopper penguins.
Nikon D810 with Nikkor 17-35mm lens (at 17mm) ISO 400, f/10 at 1/1250th of a second, two Nikon SB-900 flash units