Hyena with Impala Horns
Got back from my honeymoon tonight and just started to download all the pictures. It’ll be a while before I have everything organized and processed but here’s one that I liked from the Botswana portion of the trip. It was early in the morning so I wasn’t working with much light. Eight spotted hyenas were romping through a wetland area of the Linyanti Concession in the northern part of the country. The night before, they had stolen an impala kill from a leopard and the hyena on the right was playing keep away with the horns. Many more pics from Botswana to come, including a first for me — a pangolin. Also, many pics from Greece on the way.
Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 1600, f/4 at 1/100th of a second