People seem to be of mixed minds about the honey badger. I for one, think they are pretty cool animals — true scrappers able to defend themselves against much larger beasts. This guy didn’t quite know what to think about me when he saw me crouched down in the grass just outside of my tent in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. Nikon D300 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 400, f/5.6 at 1/500th of a second
Hey Mom, yes, they do eat honey. That part makes sense, but they aren’t in the badger family at all. They are mustelids, more closely related to otters, mongoose, weasels, etc. The word badger (or bêcheur), however, means digger in French, and they most certainly do a lot of that.
Honey Badger doesn’t seem to suit him for a name, though, does it? He looks more like a “Kick Ass” Badger, or a “Don’t Mess With Me” Badger. I could even go with a “Hyena Badger”, but I will just assume he is sweeter than he looks. Thanks for the great shot!
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What an interesting face. And they are called honey badgers because……..they eat honey? Or what?
Hey Mom, yes, they do eat honey. That part makes sense, but they aren’t in the badger family at all. They are mustelids, more closely related to otters, mongoose, weasels, etc. The word badger (or bêcheur), however, means digger in French, and they most certainly do a lot of that.
Gorgeous! I love images where the subject is in sharp focus with a blurred foliage foreground. Great shot!
Wow! He looks pretty serious to me!!!!
Honey Badger doesn’t seem to suit him for a name, though, does it? He looks more like a “Kick Ass” Badger, or a “Don’t Mess With Me” Badger. I could even go with a “Hyena Badger”, but I will just assume he is sweeter than he looks. Thanks for the great shot!
Immunity to adder’s poison—-Has this beast too tough by half—-Are you ready for medieval?
they are called bages because they like pester things and other aminals till start fighting, then they make attack, on their food or pray.