Northern Hawk Owl, Minnesota

I started the year with a trip to northern Minnesota and got a few good looks at a northern hawk owl.

In February, I was featured on a follow-up story on Fox 61 News.

Burrowing Owl, Cape Coral, Florida

In March, I ran into a few regulars down in Florida, including a burrowing owl…

Great Blue Heron and Catfish, Florida

And a great blue heron with breakfast.

Southern Tamandua (Dark Morph), Peru

In April, I traveled to Peru for the second time in two years to see what I could find in the northern Amazon basin. I certainly wasn’t expecting a dark morph of a southern tamandua.

Three-Toed Sloth, Peru

I also got great looks at sloths, including this rather hungry three-toed sloth.

Uakari Poison Frog • Loreto, Peru

On my trip to Peru in 2022, I missed out on the Uakari poison frog, but I found him this time.

Woolly Monkey, Peru

I also finally found Mowgli, a rather friendly woolly monkey.

Beaver, Avon, Connecticut

Back home in June, I found a few suburban beaver dams near my house.

National Wildlife Summer 2023

And was honored to have my image of a leatherback hatchling on the cover of National Wildlife magazine’s summer issue.

White Rhinoceros and Cattle Egret, Nairobi National Park, Kenya

We led another tour to Africa in late June/early July where I captured these rhinos on day one in Kenya.

Baby Mountain Gorilla, Mgahinga National Park, Uganda

Toward the end of the trip, it was back to Uganda for mountain gorillas, including this playful two-year old.

Black Bear, Farmington, Connecticut

My camera trap continued to record all the backyard action, and in November captured this young black bear out for a stroll in the middle of the day.

Here’s to another great year in 2024.