Just back from my first time out of the state in over a year. The occasion was a milestone birthday for my Mom (Happy Birthday again Mom). She lives in southwestern Florida, so of course, I brought my camera along just in case. As it turned out, I didn’t really have much time to spare in our busy schedule, but I was able to have some fun with these halloween pennant dragonflies. They are common in the state throughout the year. The bright, mid-day sun was a challenge but by focusing in on the patterns in the translucent wings, I was able to get some decent shots. Nikon D500 with Nikkor 500mm PF lens, ISO 200, f/5.6 at 1/2000th of a second.
What a spectacular shot! It almost doesn’t look real–like some made up still life with feathers shot in a studio. When I see them flying around I call them mini B52’s.
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So that’s what you were photographing while the rest of us were shelling! Lovely specimen Sean. And thanks for helping to make it a fabulous birthday!
More than decent.
You ever wonder if the animals you’re photographing are reincarnated celebrities? I’m getting pretty strong Bowie vibes here.
Also, sean, you’re a horrible horrible son for not telling me it was your mom’s birthday. Happy Birthday Ma Crane!
Thanks Louis
What a spectacular shot! It almost doesn’t look real–like some made up still life with feathers shot in a studio. When I see them flying around I call them mini B52’s.
This is a beautiful picture!
Happy Birthday Sean’s mom!
Thanks Teresa