Green Rosella, Maria Island, Tasmania, AustraliaTasmania, like most of Australia, is a great birding spot. There are twelve endemic species on the island (meaning found only in Tasmania). All of them have never been recorded on the mainland. I was able to get decent looks at eight of the twelve. This is the only parrot that makes the list — the green rosella (although the endangered orange-bellied parrot and the swift parrot are known as breeding endemics — they breed only in Tasmania but migrate to the mainland outside of breeding season). Rosellas are beautiful birds, and in addition to the green rosella, there are five other species found throughout Australia and the surrounding islands (on a previous trip, I managed to photograph the crimson and the eastern rosella). The green rosella is the largest of the six species. They are actually a bit more on the yellow side, with blues, reds and greens mixed in. They typically feed on the ground and primarily eat seeds, berries, nuts, flowers and fruit, as well as the occasional insect. This guy was munching on a purple thistle weed and didn’t seem to mind all the prickers — at least not at the time.
Nikon D810 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 400, f/4 at 1/1250th of a second