Gorilla, Mgahinga National Park, UgandaGorilla trekking is quite a formal process in Uganda. You usually have to purchase your permit months in advance. The day of the trek, you spend the better part of a morning being briefed by park officials and guides. The trek may take half a day or more but once you find the gorillas you only have one hour to view and photograph them. It’s well worth the effort, however, to encounter these beasts in their natural habitat. That said, on very rare occasions, you might get lucky to encounter a gorilla without all the formality. Thus was the case with this guy. I was actually on my way to view golden monkeys when we spotted this young gorilla hanging out in a tree along the path. I was able to get a few quick shots before our party moved on to the intended subjects. I waited just long enough for that shaft of light to fall directly on the gorillas face. Photographed in Mgahinga National Park. Nikon D850 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 1600, f/4 at 1/1600th of a second.