Giraffes always make for good silhouettes. This one was taken in the Kalahari desert at twilight. There was just enough light left to allow me to record a bit of detail in the foreground giraffe.
wow..When I saw this photo a little away, giraffes’ black silhouette made me feel beaceful, then I came close to screen, I could see mom(or dad)’s eyes watching down to care their kids. so impressive
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this is so peaceful..I just love it…
The good ol’ “Magic Hour.” Nice grab Sean.
…and you managed to get some detail on the their front. Didn’t go totally black. Nice exposure.
So serene. Beautiful.
wow..When I saw this photo a little away, giraffes’ black silhouette made me feel beaceful, then I came close to screen, I could see mom(or dad)’s eyes watching down to care their kids. so impressive
How beautiful they are!!!
Love the colours on the background!
How could you not love a giraffe? The yellow and orange sky and the trees in the background complete the pic.
beautiful…and so rare to catch conjoined giraffe twins on film!
The gradation in the background combined with the detail of the actual giraffes is stunning. I love this photo!