Giraffe and Sunrise, Linyanti Concession, Botswana
This was the last morning of our trip to Botswana. Much like the first five mornings, a big orange sun rose at six a.m. into a cloudless sky. The sun was still low enough for some decent shots when we came across a solitary giraffe. I was hoping the big guy would entertain us with a drink at the water hole, but he seemed a bit timid, perhaps because he was on his own in an open area and sensed danger. Giraffes put themselves in a vulnerable position when they splay their legs and take the considerable effort to quench their thirst. Instead, I took a few portraits and we moved on.
Nikon D700 with Nikkor 70-200mm lens (at 130mm) ISO 560, f/22 at 1/20th of a second