I sat quietly in the bushes and waited while this giant anteater slowly moved in my direction. They have a good sense of smell but are practically blind so with the wind blowing in my direction, I was able to get extremely close without the anteater knowing I was even there. I snapped a few quick headshots before it continued on its way. This gives a good look at that long snout that it uses to lap up all those ants. Photographed in Guyana earlier this year.Nikon Z8 with Nikkor 500mm PF lens, ISO 800, f/5.6 at 1/640th of a second.
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That is awesome, Sean! I love the composition, the unexpected pops of colors & the portrait, itself, of the protagonist couldn’t be better!
Thanks. This was one of those situations when the subject got a little too close (at least for the lens I had mounted at the time).
This anteater snout reminds me of a humongous crow’s beak. I would like for a SWAT team of them to come to Florida to devour the red ants.
Ha, no doubt Donna.