Giant Anteater, GuyanaJust back from a successful trip to Guyana. I’m pleased to report that I did, in fact, find a few giant anteaters to photograph. Four mornings were dedicated to the search, and on each of those mornings we found at least one anteater. On two of the mornings, we found two anteaters, and that’s because we found two babies riding on their mother’s backs (but more on that in a future post). The reason we set out each morning before the sun is because giant anteaters are nocturnal and sleep for most of the day. In the early morning, however, they can still be found, doing the last of their rounds before finding a place to sleep. And true to form, shortly after taking this photo, the anteater walked into a bit of a hidden ravine and curled up in the bushes. Nikon D850 with Nikkor 70-200mm lens (at 130mm) ISO 140, f/2.8 at 1/250th of a second.