This bighorn seemed to be paying his respects to the powers that be. He was actually just getting up after a lengthy rest. In the background you can see the characteristic eroded buttes of Badlands National Park. Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 800, f/4 at 1/500th of a second
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NICE!!!! Love the colors in this!
Thank you S.C.
Amazing work Sean!
Nice shot! I’m with Amanda on this. The coloured background is a spectacular backdrop for a beautiful image! Great stuff Sean
Rising to glory of nature—-Our sheep seems to wish his bed—Had been a little softer.
Yep, just love the background and the unique (lack of) focus and colors. And I’ve never seen a ram praying, pretty cool!
This is awesome
great pic. today,nice nap, and ready for day work.
Very nicely done Sean!!