I photographed this flamingo on Santa Cruz Island in the Galápagos Islands. The Galápagos flamingo is a subspecies of the greater flamingo. There aren’t many of them in existence (only about 500 in the entire Galápagos archipelago) so I was lucky to spot this one. Nikon D800 with Nikkor 200-400mm lens (at 400mm) ISO 400, f/4 at 1/1600th of a second
Love it, Sean. Usually one sees pictures of flamingos in a flock, so this solitary bird is wonderful. Ranks right up there on my list with the roseate spoonbill.
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great pic. of the red fligos,
What a beautiful bird and one of those rare captures by a true pro. Amazing Sean.
The bird gives water this color—-And so does water to the bird—-A wondrous exchange.
Love it, Sean. Usually one sees pictures of flamingos in a flock, so this solitary bird is wonderful. Ranks right up there on my list with the roseate spoonbill.
Look in the mirror.
It’s me you handsome devil.
Whoops you broke our leg.
Flamingos always remind me of my Grandfather who had plastic ones in his backyard in Waterbury CT. Thanks for sharing Sean.
Yep. Seen them in Cheshire too.